Shanna Moke, MA, CFLE


Shanna Moke owns and operates Resolutions for Families, LLC,

an office comprised of independent professionals.



Shanna offers the following services:


Shanna Moke graduated from South Dakota State University with her Bachelor of Science degree in Human Development and Family Studies and holds a Master of Arts degree from St. Mary's University of Minnesota in Human Development with an emphasis on Custody and Parenting Time. She is a Certified Family Life Educator (CFLE) by the National Council on Family Relations. Shanna is a Qualified Custody and Parenting Time Mediator and a Certified Child Custody Evaluator by the Minnesota Association of Custody Resolution Specialists. Shanna has attended Parenting Coordination training provided by Hamline University and completed several trainings regarding the Early Neutral Evaluation process. She is a national and regional member of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC), member of the South Dakota Network Against Family Violence and Sexual Assault (SDNAFVSA), and member of the National Council on Family Relations. In December 2020, Ms. Moke was appointed by Chief Justice Gilbertson to the 2021 South Dakota Supreme Court panel regarding revision of the South Dakota Parenting Guidelines. 

Ms. Moke has had extensive training and experience in custody work at Hennepin County Family Court Services in Minneapolis, Minnesota prior to beginning private practice in South Dakota in January 2010. She has continued to enjoy her work over the years which has included professional collaboration and support for expanded services to best support families in need. Ms. Moke understands the importance of having loving parents involved in a child's life and strives to make decisions with the child's best interests in mind.






Click HERE to Register for the Crossroads Co-Parenting Seminar


This class can be taken individually or with your child's other parent. This full day class has been determined by local family law professionals to be a valuable resource for parents in learning the following steps:


1.) Keeping the Child out of the Middle 
2.) Allowing Your Child to Love Both Parents 
3.) Working on Individual Recovery 
4.) Creating New Communication Patterns 
5.) Developing a New Co-Parenting Relationship. 


More information on Services


Common Questions


Make Payment Towards Services



Shanna M. Moke

Parenting Resolution Specialist

6116 S Lyncrest Ave, Ste 102

Sioux Falls SD  57108

Office: 605-657-1491 / Cell: 605-370-4871

Fax: 866-729-1532


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Resolutions for Families

6116 S Lyncrest Ave, Ste 102

Sioux Falls SD  57108

Phone: (605) 657-1491
Fax: (866) 729-1532

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